
Number of items: 70.
  • 'Good Enough Parenting’: Social Workers’ Experiences of Assessing Parenting in Family Safeguarding Services. (2021) Afrah Abdullahi
  • How Do Formal and Informal Financial Arrangements Influence the Growth and Routines of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises? A Qualitative Investigation of The Manufacturing Sector in Southwest Nigeria. (2021) Olajide Timothy Ajewole
  • The Role of Market-Driven Initiatives and Support for Rural Poverty Alleviation - a Case Study of AgResults Program in Nigeria. (2021) Adebowale Olasunkanmi Akande
  • Exploring the Bond between People and their Social Housing: a London Based Study. (2021) Sureya Ali
  • Development and Characterisation of Novel Biocomposites Fabricated Using Natural Fibres and Rapid Prototyping Technology. (2021) Lyes Azzouz
  • A Mixed-Methods Study of Eating Behaviours and Mealtime Experiences in Relation to Young People with Tourette Syndrome. (2021) Sandra-Eve Bamigbade
  • Explaining Time's Direction. (2021) Robert Barber
  • The Struggle for Plurality and Politics in School Leadership Practice: Exploring the Importance of Thoughtful Action in Conditions of Uncertainty. (2021) Kevin Bartle
  • Social Workers’ Experiences of Working in Children's Services: a Grounded Theory Study. (2021) Charlie Brazil
  • The Use of Asynchronous Discussion to Support Collaborative Learning in an Online Programme. (2021) Maureen Brennan
  • Assistant, Trainee and Qualified Psychologists’ Personal Experiences of Caring for Others and the Influence of Caring on Clinical Practice. (2021) Angela Burrows
  • Exploring the Experiences of Facilitators of Reflective Practice Groups in Clinical Psychology Training: a Thematic Analysis. (2021) Rachel Carter
  • Learning Feature Weights for Density-Based Clustering. (2021) Stiphen Chowdhury
  • Micropower Generation using Buckling Piezoelectric Elements. (2021) Nathan Alan Counsell
  • Narratives of NHS Nurses Working in Intensive Care Units During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2021) Hannah Cutler
  • Short-Term Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Glacio-Fluvial Sedimentation at Feegletscher, Swiss Alps. (2021) William Dackus
  • The Emission Line Properties of Star-forming Galaxies in the WEAVE-LOFAR Survey. (2021) Faye Davis
  • A Thematic Analysis Exploring Young Black Men's Experiences of Accessing and Engaging in Psychological Therapy within Primary Care. (2021) Noreen Nyaradzo Dera
  • Assessment of Fatigue in Robot-Mediated Upper Limb Interactions Using EEG. (2021) Udeshika Chaturangee Dissanayake
  • An Examination of University Paramedic Students' Enculturation into the Ambulance Service. (2021) John Donaghy
  • Subjugation and Subterfuge: Struggling with Metrics as a Middle Manager in a UK Business School. (2021) Emma Elkington
  • An Exploratory Study of How and Why Some Micro-Finance Banks Overcome Adversity and Why Others Do Not. (2021) Philips Osarenren Emokpae
  • The Efficacy of Probiotics in Modulating Clostridium difficile Spore Germination, Growth and Toxin Production in an in vitro Human Gut Model. (2021) Perezimor Etifa
  • Securing the Edges of IoT Networks: a Scalable SIP DDoS Defense Framework with VNF, SDN, and Blockchain. (2021) Aldo Kiki Febro
  • Bioprospecting for Fungal-Based Biocontrol Agents. (2021) Charalampos Filippou
  • Synthetic Observations of Line Emission from Simulated HII Regions. (2021) Luke Fleming
  • The Effect of Input from the Cerebellar Nuclei on Activity in Thalamocortical Networks. (2021) Julia Goncharenko
  • Choosing Geographic Scales for the Analysis of Labour Market and Related Statistics. (2021) Sally-Ann Goold
  • Thermogelling Materials for Topical Drug Delivery. (2021) Peter James Haddow
  • The Impact of Global Value Chains on the Retention of Staff in Chinese SMEs. (2021) Patricia J.A. Hunt
  • The Physical Processes that Drive Galaxy Evolution - from Massive Galaxies to the Dwarf Regime. (2021) Ryan Jackson
  • Behind the Mask of a CEO of a Management Training Institution: Exploring Breakdowns of Identity in the Struggle for Recognition. (2021) Philip James
  • Diagnostics of Evolving Planetary Nebulae: Observation and Simulation of Atomic and Molecular Emission Lines. (2021) Alexander Martin Jones
  • Adaptation of Heuristic Evaluation for Mobile Applications and the Impact of Context of Use. (2021) Ger Joyce
  • The Experiences of Adult-Children from an Indian Heritage whose Parents have Lived with Mental Health Difficulties. (2021) Selina Kapasi
  • Modeling Affect-Based Relationships and Social Allostasis as Mechanisms for Adaptation in Social Groups. (2021) Imran M. Khan
  • Psychological Therapists’ Experiences of the Death of a Parent in Childhood. (2021) Rosemary Kingston
  • Are You Impressed? An Exploration of the Pressure to Perform and Impress from the Perspective of an Organisational Development Consultant. (2021) Sune Bjørn Larsen
  • Offsite Manufacturing for Affordable Housing. (2021) Laure Ledard
  • The Impact of a Movement-Based Emotional Self-Regulation Programme on Adolescents with Special Educational Needs During the Transition Period from School to Post-School in Hong Kong. (2021) Angela Leung Siu Ling
  • Understanding the Impact of Low Temperatures in Maize Seed Germination. (2021) Macarena Mellado Sánchez
  • Exploring the Processes that Nurture the Resilience of Young Refugees Living in the UK. (2021) Sylvia Michaeel
  • The Impact of Socio-Cultural Values on Autistic Women: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. (2021) Stella Mo
  • Combination of Multi-Modal Imaging and Neurophysiology to Improve Targeting Accuracy and Outcome in Deep Brain Stimulation for Movement Disorders. (2021) Paul Moran
  • What Happens at the Brand Interface? A Narrative Inquiry into the Brand Management Practices of Small Firms in Hertfordshire, UK. (2021) Diane M I Morrad
  • Accessing Mental Health Services for the First Time: The Black African and Caribbean Experience. (2021) Godfrey Tendai Muchena
  • Muslim Faith Leaders’ Experiences of Providing Mental Health Support in the Community. (2021) Azimoth Shirin Mustafa
  • Primitive Methodism in Hertfordshire from 1838 to 1918: a Socio-Economic and Demographic Study. (2021) David Peter Noble
  • Characterisation of Temperature-Sensitivity of Brassica Resistance Against Leptosphaeria maculans. (2021) Katherine Louise Noel
  • The Newspaper Portrayal of Mothers Accessing Food Banks in the UK. (2021) Sarah Ommanney
  • The Production of Phygital Social Spaces: a Study on the Influential Factors that Foster New Interactions amongst Second-Generation British Nigerian Youth. (2021) Rebecca Ayotunde Onafuye
  • Using Feature Weighting as a Tool for Clustering Applications. (2021) Deepak Panday
  • The Experience of Transformative Learning from an Embodied Perspective: an IPA Study with Clinical Psychology Trainees. (2021) Anca-Stefania Panescu
  • Moritz Schlick on the Value of Play. (2021) Beth Pollard
  • Evaluation of the Regulatory Requirements for Development and Approval of Biosimilar Medicines in the BRICS-TM Countries: Improving Patients' Access. (2021) Hasumati Rahalkar
  • The Potential Contribution of Water-Soluble Vitamins in Ready Meals to the UK Reference Nutrient Intakes. (2021) Robyn Rhule-Samuel
  • Dietary Habits and Participant-Led Adaptations to Diet for Pain Management in Fibromyalgia Sufferers: a Cross-Sectional Study. (2021) Simone Roberts
  • Autonomous and Intrinsically Motivated Robots for Sustained Human-Robot Interaction. (2021) Marcus M. Scheunemann
  • Modelling of Electrical Appliance Signatures for Energy Disaggregation. (2021) Pascal Alexander Schirmer
  • Health Visitors' Professional Identity and their Lived Experience of Service Change. (2021) Helen Elizabeth Seaman
  • Working Class Women's Agency in the Labour Movement in East London, 1840 – 1914. (2021) Dianne Shepherd
  • Life Cycle Evaluation of Manufacturing and Mechanical Properties for Novel Natural Fibre Composites. (2021) Gilles Tchana Toffe
  • Ward-Based Care of Patients Following Discharge from Critical Care: a Mixed Methods Study. (2021) Sarah Anne Vollam
  • Women's Narratives of Miscarriage and their Role in Identity Construction. (2021) Emma Louise Gwendoline Wallis
  • Primary Science Subject Leaders Creating Communities of Practice: Stories of Professional Development. (2021) Clare Warren
  • A Comparison of Tillage Techniques on Selected Soil Microbes Within the Rhizosphere of Wheat. (2021) Thomas Ian Wilkes
  • The Role of Oath-Taking in Human Trafficking: Experiences of Survivors. (2021) Ruth Wilson
  • “Do I dare/Disturb the universe?” Learning the Game of Governance in an Australian Mental Health Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). (2021) Sophia Wong
  • Investigation of the Physical and Physiochemical Relationships in Nanoparticles and their Attributions to Antimicrobial Activities. (2021) Xiuyi Yang
  • The Experience of Trainee Clinical Psychologists from Chinese Cultural Backgrounds - a Discourse Analysis. (2021) Zheng Zhou