Number of items: 155.
"It's nothing you could ever prepare anyone for": the experiences of young people and their families following parental stroke. (2018)
Clare Coppock,
David Winter,
Scott Ferguson
Anna Green
Cognitive conflict resolution after psychotherapy for depression: Its impact on symptoms and psychological distress. (2017)
Clara Paz,
Guillem Feixas,
Adrian Montesano
David Winter
Beyond Mind And Body: Person In (Inter)Action. (2017)
Helen Payne,
YuChi Lin,
Sabrina Cipolletta
David Winter
Intrapersonal, interpersonal, and physical space in anorexia nervosa: a virtual reality and repertory grid study. (2017)
Sabrina Cipolletta,
Clelia Malighetti,
S. Serino,
G. Riva
David Winter
Reconstructing life as a one-foot man: reflections on the role of football. (2016)
David Winter
Construing homicide. (2015)
David Winter
Introduction. (2015)
David Winter
Nick Reed
Transcending war-ravaged biographies. (2015)
David Winter
Constructivist therapy. (2015)
David Winter
Robert Neimeyer
Construing a 'perfect knight' : a personal construct investigation of mass murder. (2015)
David Winter
Finn Tschudi
Personal construct theory. (2015)
Nick Reed
David Winter
Constructivist psychotherapies. (2015)
David Winter
Robert Neimeyer
Keynote address: Languages of psychotherapy, love, and terror. (2015)
David Winter
Personal Styles in Neurosis : Implications for Small Group Psychotherapy and Behaviour Therapy. (2015)
T.M. Caine,
O.B.A. Wijesinghe
David Winter
What does the future hold for personal construct psychology? (2015)
David Winter
Preface. (2014)
David Winter
Nick Reed
Cognitive conflicts in major depression : Between desired change and personal coherence. (2014)
Guillem Feixas,
A. Montesano,
V. Compan,
M. Salla,
G. Dada,
Olga Pucurrull,
A. Trujillo,
C. Paz,
D. Munoz,
M. Gasol,
L.A. Saul,
F. Lana,
I. Bros,
E. Ribeiro,
David Winter,
M.J. Carrera-Fernandez
J. Guardia
An exemplary life? A personal construct analysis of the autobiography of Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz. (2014)
Nick Reed,
David Winter,
Joerg Schulz,
Esther Aslan,
Joan Miquel Soldevilla
Duygu Kuzu
A systematic review of the literature on counselling and psychotherapy for the prevention of suicide 2 : Qualitative studies. (2014)
David Winter,
Siobhan Bradshaw,
Frances Bunn
D. Wellsted
Cognitive conflicts and symptom severity in Dysthymia: : “I'd rather be good than happy”. (2014)
A. Montesano,
Guillem Feixas,
Luis-Angel Saul,
M.I. Erazo-Caicedo,
G. Dada
David Winter
Keynote address: The continuing relevance and expropriation of personal construct approaches to ‘psychological disorder’ and therapy: how bright is the future? (2014)
David Winter
Reconstructing life as a one-foot man: : reflections on the role of football. (2013)
David Winter
Formulation in personal and relational construct psychology : seeing the world through clients' eyes. (2013)
David Winter
Harry Procter
Introduction: Fay Fransella’s contribution to personal construct psychology. (2013)
David Winter
Personal construct psychology as a way of life. (2013)
David Winter
Efficacy of a dilemma-focused intervention for unipolar depression : study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial. (2013)
Guillem Feixas,
A. Bados,
E. Garcia-Grau,
A. Montesano,
G. Dada,
V. Compañ,
M. Aguilera,
M. Salla,
J. Soldevilla,
A. Trujillo,
C. Paz,
L. Botella,
S. Corbella,
L. Saúl-Gutiérrez,
J. Cañete,
M. Gasol,
M. Ibarra,
L. Medeiros-Ferreira,
J. Soriano,
E. Ribeiro,
F. Caspar
David Winter
Interwencje w psychoterapii grupowo-analitycznej
A Workbook of Group-Analytic Interventions. (2013)
David Kennard,
Jeff Roberts
David Winter
A Personal Construct Approach to Understanding Stress in Mothers of Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2013)
Shivani Sharma,
David Winter
Michelle McCarthy
A systematic review of the literature on counselling and psychotherapy for the prevention of suicide 1 : Quantitative outcome and process studies. (2013)
David Winter,
S. Bradshaw,
Frances Bunn
D. Wellsted
Long sleeves, short sleeves, and gunpowder : the construing of former child soldiers. (2012)
David Winter,
Stephanie Goins,
Josefin Sundin
Sarah Patient
Personal construct counselling and psychotherapy. (2012)
Fay Fransella
David Winter
Self-construing in former child soldiers. (2012)
Stephanie Goins,
David Winter,
Josefin Sundin,
Sarah Patient
Esther Aslan
Family characteristics and long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse. (2011)
Suchitra Bhandari,
David Winter,
David Messer
Chris Metcalfe
The ABC model revisited. (2011)
Finn Tschudi
David Winter
Childhood sexual abuse and construction of self and others in people who have experienced psychosis. (2011)
Timothy Sporle,
David Winter
John Rhodes
Loosening the chains of preemptive construing : constructions of psychological disorder and its treatment in Sierra Leone. (2011)
David Winter,
S. Bridi,
S. Urbano Giralt
Nicholas Wood
Radicalisation as a constructive choice : possible research directions. (2011)
David Winter
Editorial - allegiance revisited. (2010)
David Winter
Hierarchical relationships in dependency grids : explorations in survivors of childhood sexual abuse. (2010)
R.C. Bell,
David Winter
S. Bhandari
Midpoint ratings on personal constructs : constriction or the middle way? (2010)
David Winter,
R.C. Bell
Scott Watson
Personal construct psychotherapy under threat. (2010)
David Winter
Research, training and consultancy with war survivors in Africa. (2010)
Helen Liebling-Kalifani,
David Winter,
Seggane Musisi
Janet Nakigudde
A personal construct perspective on control in eating disorders. (2010)
David Winter
Eric Button
The state of being in betwixt and between : Exploring the socio-temporal dimensions of asylum seeker and refugee trauma. (2010)
Christos Sermpezis
David Winter
Constructions of alienation. (2009)
David Winter,
Sarah Patient
Josefin Sundin
Counselling and Psychotherapy for the Prevention of Suicide : a Systematic Review of the Evidence. (2009)
David Winter,
Siobhan Bradshaw,
Frances Bunn
D. Wellsted
Is trauma the product of over- or under-elaboration? : A critique of the personal construct model of posttraumatic stress disorder. (2009)
Christos Sermpezis
David Winter
Shaking hands with a serial killer. (2009)
David Winter
The personal construct psychology view of psychological disorder : did Kelly get it wrong? (2009)
David Winter
Personal construct psychotherapy in a national health service setting : Does survival mean selling out? (2008)
David Winter
Cognitive behaviour therapy : from rationalism to constructivism? (2008)
David Winter
Cognitive behaviour therapy : from rationalism to constructivism? (2008)
David Winter
How to write for publication. (2008)
David Winter
Del Loewenthal
Love hurts : explorations of love, validation, and conflict. (2008)
David Winter,
Judy Duncan
Emma Summerfield
Un studio naturalista sobre el cambio de los conflictos cognitivos durante la psicoterapia. (2008)
Guillem Feixas i Viaplana,
Luis-Angel Saul Gutierrez,
David Winter
Sue Watson
Constructivist and humanistic therapies. (2007)
David Winter
Construing the construction processes of serial killers and other violent offenders: 1. The analysis of narratives. (2007)
David Winter,
Guillem Feixas,
Rita Dalton,
Livia Jarque-Llamazares,
Esteban Laso,
Clare Mallindine
Sarah Patient
Construing the construction processses of serial killers and violent offenders 2 : the limits of credulity. (2007)
David Winter
Improving access or denying choice? (2007)
David Winter
Personal Construct Therapy. (2007)
Robert A. Neimeyer
David Winter
Personal construct psychology : The first half-century. (2007)
David Winter
Right answers or wrong questions? (2007)
David Winter
A controlled trial of personal construct psychotherapy for deliberate self-harm. (2007)
David Winter,
L. Sireling,
T. Riley,
C. Metcalfe,
A. Quaite
S. Bhandari
The effectiveness of personal construct psychotherapy in clinical practice : a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2007)
Chris Metcalfe,
David Winter
Linda Viney
The elaboration of personal construct psychology. (2007)
Beverly M. Walker
David Winter
Psychotherapists’ theoretical orientations as elaborative choices. (2006)
David Winter,
Finn Tschudi
Nicholas Gilbert
Expanding agoraphobics’ horizons : an investigation of the effectiveness of a personal construct psychotherapy intervention. (2006)
David Winter,
Kevin Gournay,
Chris Metcalfe
Nicole Rossotti
Psychotherapists’ ‘personal styles’: construing and preferred theoretical orientations. (2006)
David Winter,
Finn Tschudi
Nicholas Gilbert
Avoiding the fate of the dodo bird: the challenge of evidence-based practice. (2006)
David Winter
Destruction as a constructive choice. (2006)
David Winter
To Be or Not to Be: Personal Constructions of the Suicidal Choice. (2006)
Robert A. Neimeyer
David Winter
Trust and dependency in younger and older people. (2006)
Nicole Rossotti,
David Winter
Mary Watts
What is Psychotherapeutic Research? (2006)
Del Loewenthal
David Winter
Deliberate self-harm and reconstruction. (2005)
Beverly Walker
David Winter
From constriction to experimentation : personal construct psychotherapy for agoraphobia. (2005)
David Winter
Chris Metcalfe
Towards a personal construct sex therapy. (2005)
David Winter
The effectiveness of personal construct psychotherapy : a meta-analysis. (2005)
Linda Viney,
Chris Metcalfe
David Winter
The evidence base for personal construct psychotherapy. (2005)
David Winter
A process and outcome study of personal construct psychotherapy. (2005)
Sue Watson
David Winter
Repertory grid technique as a psychotherapy research measure. (2003)
David Winter
Border crossing. (2003)
David Winter,
Sue Watson,
Ian Gillman-Smith,
Nicholas Gilbert
Timothy Acton
Psychological disorder as imbalance. (2003)
David Winter
Stress in police officers: a personal construct theory perspective. (2003)
David Winter
Threat and chaos. (2003)
Nicole Rossotti
David Winter
A credulous approach to violence and homicide. (2003)
David Winter
The evidence base for personal construct psychotherapy. (2003)
David Winter
Personal constructs. (2002)
David Winter
The constructivist paradigm. (2002)
David Winter
Construing the unthinkable. (2001)
David Winter
Towards an evidence base for personal construct psychotherapy. (2001)
Sue Watson
David Winter
Can Personal Construct Therapy succeed in competition with other therapies? (2000)
David Winter
Deliberate and undeliberated self harm : theoretical basis and evaluation of a personal construct psychotherapy intervention. (2000)
David Winter,
S. Bhandari,
G. Lutwyche,
L. Sireling,
T. Riley,
C. Metcalfe
S. Watson
What works for whom but shouldn’t and what doesn’t work for whom but should? (2000)
Sue Watson
David Winter
A Workbook of Group-Analytic Interventions. (2000)
David Kennard,
Jeff Roberts
David Winter
An investigation of the effectiveness of a voluntary sector psychodynamic counselling service. (2000)
Ruth Archer,
Yvonne Forbes,
Chris Metcalfe
David Winter
Repressive coping and self-reports of parenting. (1999)
Lynne Myers,
Chris Brewin
David Winter
Personal construct psychotherapy and the cognitive therapies : different in theory but can they be differentiated in practice? (1999)
David Winter
Sue Watson
Perspectivas de la teoria de constructos personales en terapia sexual: reconstruccion de la ereccion y elaboracion de la eyaculacion. (1999)
David Winter
Psychological problems: alternative perspectives on their explanation and treatment. (1999)
David Winter
Use of the repertory grid as a nomothetic measure in psychotherapy research : an example of optimal functioning, or of failure to complete the experience cycle? (1999)
Sue Watson
David Winter
A harmonious marriage : Personal reflections on 25 years of research and therapeutic practice in a National Health Service setting. (1999)
David Winter
A personal construct psychotherapy intervention for agoraphobia : theoretical and empirical basis, treatment process and outcome. (1999)
David Winter
Il polo di contrasto della psicoterapia. (1998)
David Winter
The theory of personal interpretative constructs of G. Kelly. (1998)
M. Sourmelakis
David Winter
Cross purposes. (1997)
Peter Keeble,
Chris Metcalfe,
Tony Riley,
Jill Waterson
David Winter
Everybody has still won but what about the booby prizes? (1997)
David Winter
Psicoterapia de constructos personales y terapias cognitivas: Diferentes en teoria, pero ?pueden ser diferenciadas en la practica? (1997)
David Winter
Sue Watson
The Constructivist Paradigm. (1996)
David Winter
Into the community or back to the ward? : Clients' construing as a predictor of the outcome of psychiatric rehabilitation. (1996)
David Winter
The Personal Construct Inventory : an alternative construction of personal construct methodology, or just another esoteric questionnaire? (1996)
Sue Watson,
David Winter
Nicole Rossotti
Personal construct theory. (1996)
David Winter
Personal construct theory perspectives on group psychotherapy. (1996)
David Winter
Psicoterapia dei costrutti personali e terapie cognitive : differenti in teoria, possono essere differenziate in pratica? (1996)
David Winter
Sue Watson
Psychotherapy's contrast pole. (1996)
David Winter
Recovery following brain injury : Significant others’ construing as a predictor of clients’ recovery following brain injury. (1996)
David Winter,
Chris Metcalfe
Hani Shoeb
The versatility of repertory grid technique as a clinical assessment tool. (1995)
David Winter
Personal construct theory in Europe : How do the spectacles fit? (1994)
David Winter
Personal construct psychology in the 1990s: Would Kelly still recognise it? (1993)
David Winter
Personal styles and universal polarities : Implications for therapeutic practice. (1993)
T.M. Caine
David Winter
Psychische Storung aus Sicht der Personal Construct-Psychologie. (1993)
David Winter
Slot rattling from law enforcement to lawbreaking : a personal construct theory exploration of police stress. (1993)
David Winter
Untersuchung und Therapie von Sexualstorungen. (1993)
David Winter
The importance of the role of the patient in outcome in schizophrenia. (1993)
R.D. Scott,
L. Fagin
David Winter
Discussion on paper by Sigmund W. Karterud. (1992)
David Winter
Into the unknown : Transitions in psychiatric services as construed by clients and staff. (1992)
David Winter,
Michael Baker
Stephen Goggins
Personal Construct Psychology in Clinical Practice : Theory, Research and Applications. (1992)
David Winter
Repertory grid technique as a group psychotherapy research instrument. (1992)
David Winter
Research and the Group Psychotherapist. (1992)
David Kennard
David Winter
Verso l'ignoto. Il problema della transizione nei serviziz psichiatrica, dal punto di vista dei clienti e dello staff. (1992)
David Winter,
Michael Baker
Stephen Goggins
Disturbi di costruzione: psicopatologia o strategia? (1990)
David Winter
Therapeutic alternatives for psychological disorder. (1990)
David Winter
What do group analysts say in their groups? : Some results from an IGA/GAS questionnaire. (1990)
David Kennard,
David Winter
Jeff Roberts
Group therapy as a means of facilitating reconstruing in depressives. (1989)
David Winter
Self-reconstruing as a result of social interaction in analytic group therapy : Preliminary data with depressives. (1989)
David Winter,
Ana Catina
Volker Tschuske
An alternative construction of agoraphobia. (1989)
David Winter
Constructions in social skills training. (1988)
David Winter
Reconstructing an erection and elaborating ejaculation. (1988)
David Winter
Towards a constructive clinical psychology. (1988)
David Winter
The therapeutic community of Claybury Hospital (U.K.). (1988)
David Winter
Construction and constriction in agoraphobia. (1987)
David Winter
Kevin Gournay
Explorations of a crisis intervention service. (1987)
David Winter,
H. Shivakumar,
R. J. Brown,
M. Roitt,
W. J. Drysdale
S. Jones
Personal construct psychotherapy as a radical alternative to social skills training. (1987)
David Winter
A new projective test : The Caine/Marteau/Dympna Test (CMD). (1986)
T.M. Caine,
S. Henley,
P. Moses,
S. Shamni,
David Winter
H. Smith
Group therapy with depressives : A personal construct theory perspective. (1985)
David Winter
Neurotic disorders : The curse of certainty. (1985)
David Winter
Personal styles, constructive alternativism and the provision of a therapeutic service. (1985)
David Winter
Repertory grid technique in the evaluation of therapeutic outcome. (1985)
David Winter
The perception of problem drinkers by general hospital staff, general practitioners and alcoholic patients. (1985)
G. Potamianos,
David Winter,
S.W. Duffy,
D.M. Gorman
T.J. Peters
What is a group analyst? (1984)
Caroline Garland,
David Kennard,
Jeff Roberts,
David Winter,
Tom Caine
Beaumont Stevenson
Logical inconsistency in construct relationships : Conflict or complexity? (1983)
David Winter
Construct relationships, psychological disorder and therapeutic change. (1982)
David Winter
Manual for the Claybury Selection Battery. (1982)
T. Caine,
D.J. Smail,
O.B.A. Wijesinghe
David Winter
Personal Styles in Neurosis : Implications for Small Group Psychotherapy and Behaviour Therapy. (1981)
David Winter,
T.M. Caine
O.B.A. Wijesinghe
Serial change in group psychotherapy. (1977)
David Winter
Chris Trippett
Some characteristics of schizophrenics and their parents. (1975)
David Winter