Number of items: 155.
Preface. (2014)
David Winter
Nick Reed
Cognitive conflicts in major depression : Between desired change and personal coherence. (2014)
Guillem Feixas,
A. Montesano,
V. Compan,
M. Salla,
G. Dada,
Olga Pucurrull,
A. Trujillo,
C. Paz,
D. Munoz,
M. Gasol,
L.A. Saul,
F. Lana,
I. Bros,
E. Ribeiro,
David Winter,
M.J. Carrera-Fernandez
J. Guardia
An exemplary life? A personal construct analysis of the autobiography of Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz. (2014)
Nick Reed,
David Winter,
Joerg Schulz,
Esther Aslan,
Joan Miquel Soldevilla
Duygu Kuzu
A systematic review of the literature on counselling and psychotherapy for the prevention of suicide 2 : Qualitative studies. (2014)
David Winter,
Siobhan Bradshaw,
Frances Bunn
D. Wellsted
Cognitive conflicts and symptom severity in Dysthymia: : “I'd rather be good than happy”. (2014)
A. Montesano,
Guillem Feixas,
Luis-Angel Saul,
M.I. Erazo-Caicedo,
G. Dada
David Winter
Keynote address: The continuing relevance and expropriation of personal construct approaches to ‘psychological disorder’ and therapy: how bright is the future? (2014)
David Winter
Reconstructing life as a one-foot man: : reflections on the role of football. (2013)
David Winter
Formulation in personal and relational construct psychology : seeing the world through clients' eyes. (2013)
David Winter
Harry Procter
Introduction: Fay Fransella’s contribution to personal construct psychology. (2013)
David Winter
Personal construct psychology as a way of life. (2013)
David Winter
Efficacy of a dilemma-focused intervention for unipolar depression : study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial. (2013)
Guillem Feixas,
A. Bados,
E. Garcia-Grau,
A. Montesano,
G. Dada,
V. Compañ,
M. Aguilera,
M. Salla,
J. Soldevilla,
A. Trujillo,
C. Paz,
L. Botella,
S. Corbella,
L. Saúl-Gutiérrez,
J. Cañete,
M. Gasol,
M. Ibarra,
L. Medeiros-Ferreira,
J. Soriano,
E. Ribeiro,
F. Caspar
David Winter
Interwencje w psychoterapii grupowo-analitycznej
A Workbook of Group-Analytic Interventions. (2013)
David Kennard,
Jeff Roberts
David Winter
A Personal Construct Approach to Understanding Stress in Mothers of Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2013)
Shivani Sharma,
David Winter
Michelle McCarthy
A systematic review of the literature on counselling and psychotherapy for the prevention of suicide 1 : Quantitative outcome and process studies. (2013)
David Winter,
S. Bradshaw,
Frances Bunn
D. Wellsted
Constructivist and humanistic therapies. (2007)
David Winter
Construing the construction processes of serial killers and other violent offenders: 1. The analysis of narratives. (2007)
David Winter,
Guillem Feixas,
Rita Dalton,
Livia Jarque-Llamazares,
Esteban Laso,
Clare Mallindine
Sarah Patient
Construing the construction processses of serial killers and violent offenders 2 : the limits of credulity. (2007)
David Winter
Improving access or denying choice? (2007)
David Winter
Personal Construct Therapy. (2007)
Robert A. Neimeyer
David Winter
Personal construct psychology : The first half-century. (2007)
David Winter
Right answers or wrong questions? (2007)
David Winter
A controlled trial of personal construct psychotherapy for deliberate self-harm. (2007)
David Winter,
L. Sireling,
T. Riley,
C. Metcalfe,
A. Quaite
S. Bhandari
The effectiveness of personal construct psychotherapy in clinical practice : a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2007)
Chris Metcalfe,
David Winter
Linda Viney
The elaboration of personal construct psychology. (2007)
Beverly M. Walker
David Winter