Number of items: 28.
  • A prospective study exploring the construct and predictive validity of the COM-B model for physical activity. (2019) Neil Howlett, Joerg Schulz, Daksha Trivedi, Nicholas Troop and Angel Chater
  • 2017
  • Burnout in early course psychosis caregivers: : the role of illness beliefs and coping styles. (2017) Juliana Onwumere, Lotey Gursharan, Joerg Schulz, Gareth James, Roya Afsharzadegan, Raythe Harvey, Lai Chu Man, Elizabeth Kuipers and David Raune
  • Patient reported outcome measures in child and adolescent mental health services: Associations between clinician demographic characteristics, attitudes, and efficacy. (2017) Julian Edbrooke-Childs, David Barry, Irene Mateos Rodriguez, Danae Papageorgiou, Miranda Wolpert and Joerg Schulz
  • 2015
  • A longitudinal investigation of the relationship between symbolic gesture, maternal mind-mindedness and theory of mind. (2015) Elizabeth Kirk, Karen Pine, Lisa Wheatley, Neil Howlett, Joerg Schulz and Ben Fletcher
  • A meta-analysis of perceptions of defeat and entrapment in depression, anxiety problems, posttraumatic stress disorder, and suicidality. (2015) Andy P. Siddaway, Peter J. Taylor, Alex M. Wood and Joerg Schulz
  • Evaluation of the CHUMS Child Bereavement Group : A Pilot Study Examining Statistical and Clinical Change. (2015) Andy P. Siddaway, Alex M. Wood, Joerg Schulz and David Trickey
  • 2014
  • An exemplary life? A personal construct analysis of the autobiography of Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz. (2014) Nick Reed, David Winter, Joerg Schulz, Esther Aslan, Joan Miquel Soldevilla and Duygu Kuzu
  • Risk of adult schizophrenia and its relationship to childhood IQ in the 1958 British birth cohort. (2014) Joerg Schulz, Josefin Sundin, S.K. Leask and D.J. Done
  • 2013
  • Executive functioning questionnaires : A critical review of factor analytic studies. (2013) K.R. Laws and Joerg Schulz
  • 2011
  • Handwriting difficulties and their assessment in young adults with DCD : Extension of the DASH for 17-to 25-Year-Olds. (2011) A.L. Barnett, S.E. Henderson, B. Scheib and J. Schulz
  • Structural validity of the Movement ABC-2 test : factor structure comparisons across three age groups. (2011) Joerg Schulz, S.E. Henderson, D.A. Sugden and A.L. Barnett
  • 2010
  • Dash 17+. Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting 17+. Manual. (2010) Anna Barnett, Sheila E. Henderson, Berverly Scheib and Joerg Schulz
  • 2009
  • Development and standardization of a new handwriting speed test : The Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting. (2009) Anna Barnett, Sheila Henderson, Barbara Scheib and Joerg Schulz
  • Differential effects of age on involuntary and voluntary autobiographical memory. (2009) S. Schlagman, M. Kliegel, J. Schulz and L. Kvavilashvili
  • 2008
  • Attention and executive function in people with schizophrenia: Relationship with social skills and quality of life. (2008) P. J. Tyson, K.R. Laws, K.A. Flowers, A.M. Mortimer and J. Schulz
  • Cognitive approach to assessing pragmatic language comprehension in children with specific language impairment. (2008) N. Ryder, E. Leinonen and J. Schulz
  • The impact of dementia, age and sex on category fluency: Greater deficits in women with Alzheimer's disease. (2008) F.J. Moreno-Martinez, K.R. Laws and J. Schulz
  • 2007
  • The Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting (DASH). Manual. (2007) Anna Barnett, Sheila Henderson, B. Scheib and Joerg Schulz
  • Effects of age on involuntary autobiographical memories. (2007) Simone Schlagman, Lia Kvavilashvili and Joerg Schulz
  • 2006
  • Foreign Accent Syndrome: in the ear of the beholder? (2006) C. Di Dio, J. Schulz and J.M. Gurd
  • Hand preference and performance in 20 pairs of monozygotic twins with discordant handedness. (2006) J.M. Gurd, J. Schulz, L. Cherkas and G.C. Ebers
  • A content analysis of involuntary autobiographical memories : examining the positivity effect in old age. (2006) S. Schlagman, J. Schulz and L. Kvavilashvili
  • 2005
  • Can robots be used as a vehicle for the projection of socially sensitive issues Exploring children's attitudes towards robots through stories--. (2005) S. Woods, M. Davis, K. Dautenhahn and J. Schulz
  • Child and Adults Perspectives on Robot Appearance. (2005) S. Woods, K. Dautenhahn and J. Schulz
  • 2004
  • The design space of robots: investigating children's views. (2004) S. Woods, K. Dautenhahn and J. Schulz
  • 2002
  • Do Children with autism who pass false-belief tasks understand the mind as active interpreter. (2002) T. Luckett, S.D. Powell, D.J. Messer, M.E. Thornton and J. Schulz
  • 2001
  • Longterm developmental outcome of very prematurely born infants. (2001) D. Wolke, J. Schulz and R. Meyer
  • 1999
  • Is there a rationale for rationing chronic dialysis? : A hospital based cohort study of factors affecting survival and morbidity. (1999) S.M. Chandna, J. Schulz, C. Lawrence, R.N. Greenwood and Ken Farrington