Number of items: 28.
A prospective study exploring the construct and predictive validity of the COM-B model for physical activity. (2019)
Neil Howlett,
Joerg Schulz,
Daksha Trivedi,
Nicholas Troop
Angel Chater
Burnout in early course psychosis caregivers: : the role of illness beliefs and coping styles. (2017)
Juliana Onwumere,
Lotey Gursharan,
Joerg Schulz,
Gareth James,
Roya Afsharzadegan,
Raythe Harvey,
Lai Chu Man,
Elizabeth Kuipers
David Raune
Patient reported outcome measures in child and adolescent mental health services: Associations between clinician demographic characteristics, attitudes, and efficacy. (2017)
Julian Edbrooke-Childs,
David Barry,
Irene Mateos Rodriguez,
Danae Papageorgiou,
Miranda Wolpert
Joerg Schulz
A longitudinal investigation of the relationship between symbolic gesture, maternal mind-mindedness and theory of mind. (2015)
Elizabeth Kirk,
Karen Pine,
Lisa Wheatley,
Neil Howlett,
Joerg Schulz
Ben Fletcher
A meta-analysis of perceptions of defeat and entrapment in depression, anxiety problems, posttraumatic stress disorder, and suicidality. (2015)
Andy P. Siddaway,
Peter J. Taylor,
Alex M. Wood
Joerg Schulz
Evaluation of the CHUMS Child Bereavement Group : A Pilot Study Examining Statistical and Clinical Change. (2015)
Andy P. Siddaway,
Alex M. Wood,
Joerg Schulz
David Trickey
An exemplary life? A personal construct analysis of the autobiography of Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz. (2014)
Nick Reed,
David Winter,
Joerg Schulz,
Esther Aslan,
Joan Miquel Soldevilla
Duygu Kuzu
Risk of adult schizophrenia and its relationship to childhood IQ in the 1958 British birth cohort. (2014)
Joerg Schulz,
Josefin Sundin,
S.K. Leask
D.J. Done
Handwriting difficulties and their assessment in young adults with DCD : Extension of the DASH for 17-to 25-Year-Olds. (2011)
A.L. Barnett,
S.E. Henderson,
B. Scheib
J. Schulz
Structural validity of the Movement ABC-2 test : factor structure comparisons across three age groups. (2011)
Joerg Schulz,
S.E. Henderson,
D.A. Sugden
A.L. Barnett
Differential effects of age on involuntary and voluntary autobiographical memory. (2009)
S. Schlagman,
M. Kliegel,
J. Schulz
L. Kvavilashvili
Attention and executive function in people with schizophrenia: Relationship with social skills and quality of life. (2008)
P. J. Tyson,
K.R. Laws,
K.A. Flowers,
A.M. Mortimer
J. Schulz
Cognitive approach to assessing pragmatic language comprehension in children with specific language impairment. (2008)
N. Ryder,
E. Leinonen
J. Schulz
The impact of dementia, age and sex on category fluency: Greater deficits in women with Alzheimer's disease. (2008)
F.J. Moreno-Martinez,
K.R. Laws
J. Schulz
Foreign Accent Syndrome: in the ear of the beholder? (2006)
C. Di Dio,
J. Schulz
J.M. Gurd
Hand preference and performance in 20 pairs of monozygotic twins with discordant handedness. (2006)
J.M. Gurd,
J. Schulz,
L. Cherkas
G.C. Ebers
A content analysis of involuntary autobiographical memories : examining the positivity effect in old age. (2006)
S. Schlagman,
J. Schulz
L. Kvavilashvili
Can robots be used as a vehicle for the projection of socially sensitive issues Exploring children's attitudes towards robots through stories--. (2005)
S. Woods,
M. Davis,
K. Dautenhahn
J. Schulz
Child and Adults Perspectives on Robot Appearance. (2005)
S. Woods,
K. Dautenhahn
J. Schulz
The design space of robots: investigating children's views. (2004)
S. Woods,
K. Dautenhahn
J. Schulz
Do Children with autism who pass false-belief tasks understand the mind as active interpreter. (2002)
T. Luckett,
S.D. Powell,
D.J. Messer,
M.E. Thornton
J. Schulz
Longterm developmental outcome of very prematurely born infants. (2001)
D. Wolke,
J. Schulz
R. Meyer
Is there a rationale for rationing chronic dialysis? : A hospital based cohort study of factors affecting survival and morbidity. (1999)
S.M. Chandna,
J. Schulz,
C. Lawrence,
R.N. Greenwood
Ken Farrington